Psychic Hygiene

Maintaining good psychic hygiene is a great way to ensure that your energy field is working as effectively as possible as this will obviously impact on your overall wellbeing.

We can pick up toxic energy from so many sources now than ever before.  Here are some that you may  be aware of but perhaps others that you aren’t:

·         Electromagnetic frequencies – computers, microwave, radar, mobile phones etc

·         Toxicity from internet sites such as Google, Twitter, You Tube etc as well as MSM

·         Surrounded by negative people

·         Questionable earth energies or rooms/houses where there has been negative relationships etc

·         Toxic self beliefs or negative thinking – especially during negative times

Stagnant energies in your subtle energy system can crystallise into dis-ease which can manifest as emotional, physical or spiritual blockages so it makes sense to cleanse and re-energise when you can.  Here are some ideas to inspire you to carry out an energetic detox.  Spring is a good time to focus on this as it helps to clear out the “heavier” winter energies and invite new energy to come in.


1.       Juice fast, parasite cleanse (Dr Hulda Clarke), heavy metals – see -heavy-metals/) as well as cutting down on time in front of phones, ipads, computers etc.

2.       Mushrooms and certain plants can help your body adapt to stress,  these are known as adaptogens.  You can buy them in capsule and supplement form to take or use food/drinks that contain them (see -to-adaptogens).  Well known adaptogens from nature are Sacred Basil, Nettle, Hawthorn and Ashwagandha. 

3.       Boost your immune system with teas such as nettle and dandelion.

Energy Clearing

1.       Regular healing treatments such as Reiki as well as activities such as Yoga, Chi Gong, Tai Chi etc.

2.       Epsom or sea salt baths – a good handful or two of either in a bath.  You can also add some essential oils or plants such as rosemary to the bath.  Swimming in the sea is a great natural energy clearing activity.

3.       Smudging rooms and auras are great ways of clearing stagnant/old energy old and bringing in new energy.  Generally Sage sticks tend to clear out stagnant energy and Palo Santo brings in fresh uplifting energy to the aura or a room/home.  You can also use a combination of essential oils and Bach Flower remedies or incense and crystals placed strategically in a room with intention such as clear quartz or rose quartz. 

4.       Music is a great energy uplifter.  You can simply play music in your room that uplifts you or select some solfeggio frequency music from Spotify or You Tube that is generating the frequency you require.

5.       Wearing or carrying crystals which will help to protect (Black Toumaline, Carnelian) or Cleanse (Clear Quartz, Amethyst) can help.   You can also sleep with crystals to carry on the clearing when you go to bed.

6.       Ensure you stay grounded as much as possible when not carrying out your spiritual practices.  Walk on the ground, preferably in nature, when you can.  You can also use visualisation such as placing yourself in a bubble of light. 

7.       Add a handful of salt into the washing machine to cleanse clothes that you feel have been in negative environments too.

8.       Turn wifi off at night if possible and reduce the amount of time you have it on in your house.  Use crystals such as Shungite which are reputed to modulate EMPs as well as Tourmaline for grounding and protecting.

9.       Artemisia plants (sometimes called Wormwood, Mugwort and Sagebrush) are great to have near your home to prevent anything toxic from entering.  Place the plant with intention to invoke the spirit of the plant to work with you as you require for the good of all, harm of none but for the highest good.


Lucis College’s online shop sells a vast array of space clearing tools.  Don’t hesitate to contact us for advice or further information at or see our website


Copyright Shirley O’Donoghue April 2023