Crystals For Winter Solstice and Christmas – How To Work With Them

Winter traditionally was once a time for us to retreat and hibernate. Replenish and relinquish that which no longer serves us so that we start the new year moving into spring with new energy and perspectives. Perhaps our modern day lives don’t give us quite as much time as we used to have to take time for contemplation and healing. Most of us still must go to work and what winter holidays we do have can sometimes leave us frazzled, drained and tired. Its not all doom and gloom however and we should try to enjoy the aspects of the Christmas break – feasting, partying, family time and gift giving – by giving ourselves a little space to rest and step back from the hurly burly. The best way to do this is to wrap up well and take a walk in nature. Crystals can help you to realign and recharge your energies but also help us to make a stronger connection with the natural world.

Here's some crystals I recommend for this time of year with some ideas on how you can work with them.

Amethyst: Spiritual and protective, Amethyst is perfect to support the space we need to create when we want to recharge and replenish our energy

Anthrasite Palmstone: Great for some serious introspection when you want to take time to think about new beginnings and perhaps endings as well. A wonderful “journey” stone which helps you accept change and transition and look forward. Supports people during periods of depression and anxiety.

Citrine: A crystal which bring abundance, Citrine is forward looking and positive, great for charging up your energies with positivity, it is also linked to the sun and helps to shine a light in the darkness of winter promising us that the warmer days of spring and summer will soon be with us.

Moonstone: Helps us to connect to the moon energy and perhaps this is a good time to focus on the moon cycles, using them to support our own individual planting and sowings of new ideas, perspectives, and ways to live our lives.

Angelite: Tradition Christian beliefs focus on the angels’ messages around the nativity. Working with the angelic consciousness at this time of year inspires compassion thoughts and actions.

Rose Quartz: Will enhance our capability to give self-care and self-love as a gift to ourselves for Christmas. Time spent embodying this will also support you in staying balanced and compassionate when faced with friends, family, and relatives etc.

Bloodstone: Christmas Green with red flecks reflecting the colours of Holly and Ivy, Moss Agate will enhance your ability to connect with the energy of nature as it goes through its own cycle of death and rebirth. It’s a stone that also bring vitality and energy, strength and passion. It’s energy is both mystical and magical.

White Calcite: A crystal which can shine light in the darkness, great for clarity and guidance when you feel you want to illuminate and see ways forward.

Ways To Use Crystals

• Create a Winter Solstice Altar using crystals but also other things that you wish to focus on: photos of relatives/ancestors, affirmations etc

• Make a crystal healing grid. You can welcome in the new and release the old by creating a crystal grid – place crystals of your choice in a space where they won’t be disturbed. You can also incorporate something from nature that you may have come across during a walk – a feather, piece of agate, holly, ivy etc. Just spend a few moments contemplating the grid and if you want to hold the energy of the grid in your hands by feeling the energy generated from the crystals. You could also add a candle if you wish but make sure it is not left unattended. Then you can just leave the crystals to continue to do their magic

• Make a crystal essence using a selection of Christmas crystals and perhaps Christmas plants. You could make the crystal essence into a Christmas spray adding appropriate essential oils such as orange, cinnamon, frankincense, myrrh etc.

• Give crystals away to your friends as gifts

• Wear crystals to support your energies as you spend time with friends and family – aid communication, protect energies, generate compassion etc.

• Add to Christmas decorations – wreaths etc.

• Use them to help with meditation and self-healing

• Try bringing out your “inner witch” by scrying with crystal balls

We have a selection of the crystals listed as well as essential oils which you can buy from our shop.

Our specially selected Solstice Crystal Set comes in a beautiful box with the selection of crystals mentioned in this article which can be used during the solstice but also individually whenever needed.