Crystal attunement guide

Crystal Attunement

Always cleanse your crystal before and after the attunement. 

If you wish to work with different chakras for example you can pre-select a crystal which is the same colour as the chakra you wish to work with, likewise if you want to work on something particular, you might like to choose a crystal which has qualities to support that such as Yellow Tigers Eye to support self-esteem or a blue crystal such as Turquoise or Blue Lace Agate to support communication etc.  The directional flow suggested in this meditation can be altered to suit your reasons for undertaking this meditation e.g. use Amethyst to send energy to the Crown Chakra to stimulate it in order to enhance meditation practice for example.

Some people say that you should use the left hand for receiving energy from crystals and the right hand for giving.  I feel that you should hold the crystal however feels more comfortable for you. 

Holding the crystal in your hand and sitting comfortably take a deep in breath through the nose and breathe out through the mouth. 

Look at the crystal and notice the colour, shape, texture of the crystal.  Does this “say” anything to you? 

When you are ready, close your eyes and again take 2 or 3 deep breaths.  Now take your focus again to the crystal but this time concentrate on what the crystal feels like.  Is it smooth or rough, does it have chips or fissures, can you sense the shape, and is the temperature warm or cool?  (Sometimes people can also sense a tingling or buzzing sensation)

After a few moments,  visualise your palm chakra starting to open and connect with the crystal you are holding in your hand as you breath in.  Breathing out visualise the energy from the crystal starting to flow up your hand and along your arm.  The next breath takes the energy past your elbow and up to your shoulder.  Pause here for a moment and then you can visualise/imagine the energy at this point.  Taking another breath, and with intention send the energy to any chakra or part of your body you feel drawn to work with.

Sit with the energy until you feel that you are done.  Then you can either visualise the energy returning to the crystal in the palm of your hand or just gently release the energy from your aura into the earth. 

Typical responses to this exercise are:

·       Heightened colour in Brow Chakra or pictures

·       Buzzing and tingling in the hands from the crystals

·       Temperature variations from what would normally be expected e.g. cooler, warmer than expected, got colder or got hotter as the visualisation progressed

·       Sense of energy moving up the arm

·       Sense of energy reactions from chakras

·       Surge of emotion

Taken from Crystal Alchemy – A Practical Guide To Crystal Therapy by Shirley O’Donoghue

ISBN 978-1-913088-08-8    RRP £14.00 Available from Lucis College, Amazon etc.

Copywrite Lucis College Ltd 2020
